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9412061077, 9897599994 |
Welcome To Our Shiv Narayan College of Pharmacy!! |
The 21st century would require from a student immense comprehension of Scientific and Management fundamentals with a capacity to integrate with situational perspective. This would necessitate thorough and dedicated training in knowledge, skills and aptitude to produce efficient professionals fully equppied to face the challenges of the world.. |
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To establish the Pharmacy College as a ‘National level center of excellence” and prepare students to compete at global level. To motivate and inculcate moral and ethical values, responsive to social, economical, political and environmental issues with appropriate technical know – how to tackle these issues. To give the students an exposure of emerging world technology and markets in view of globalization. We are also known as the Best Pharmacy College in Sardhana, Meerut. |
To impart Quality Pharmacy Education to cater to the evolving needs of the Students, Industries, and the Society at large. To be a learning organization with a commitment to learn, adapt and change as a means to continuous improvement. To foster and disseminate High Quality Research and creative work which enhances Learning and contributes to the advancement of knowledge. To produce highly Productive Professionals and Leaders to serve the Health Care needs of the society. |
College Dapartment |
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
Department of Pharmaceutics |
Department of Pharmacognosy |
Department of Pharmacology |
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Chairman Message |
In the fast paced professional word of competition you need to get across to the latest techniques and the most modern resources to be able to sharpen your creative and talented skill so that you visualize and create your future to stand apart from the crowed. Keeping in view the need of the youth in mind the Shiv Narayan College of Pharmacy. |
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Our Infrstructure |
Shiv Narayan College of Pharmacy is housed in a vast magnificent building having such a refreshing environment that automatically enthuses a student to imbibe in herself the very best educational techniques being taught by the experience faculty members at the institute. Institute is duly approved for education full education. |
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The 21st century would require from a student immense comprehension of Scientific and Management fundamentals with a capacity to integrate with situational perspective. This would necessitate thorough and dedicated training in knowledge, skills and aptitude to produce efficient professionals fully equppied to face the challenges of the world.. |
Contact No.:9412061077, 9897599994
Email id: info@sncpharma.in
Website: www. sncpharma.in |
Site Designed & Developed By : DOT BIZ, info@dotbizindia.com |